Formed in 2005, Christchurch is an Anglican community of faith committed to loving God and loving others in Montgomery, the River Region, and the world.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we look to scripture and church tradition as the foundation of our belief. This means that we are a Bible-based and sacramental church, convinced that the Gospel and the Christian faith are vital to every aspect of our lives.
As Anglicans, we believe that the ancient worship and rhythms of the Church can help us as we seek to follow God in the modern world. Our faith and practices are rooted in the history and tradition of the Christian faith, even as we seek to embody the truth of Jesus in a complex and changing world.
As members of our community, we seek to be authentic witnesses of God’s love in Montgomery, the River Region, and the world. We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is truly good news and that we are called to participate in God’s work of transformation in the lives of everyone we meet.
Christchurch is a parish within the Gulf Atlantic Diocese, a diocese of the Anglican Church in North America.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we look to scripture and church tradition as the foundation of our belief. This means that we are a Bible-based and sacramental church, convinced that the Gospel and the Christian faith are vital to every aspect of our lives.
As Anglicans, we believe that the ancient worship and rhythms of the Church can help us as we seek to follow God in the modern world. Our faith and practices are rooted in the history and tradition of the Christian faith, even as we seek to embody the truth of Jesus in a complex and changing world.
As members of our community, we seek to be authentic witnesses of God’s love in Montgomery, the River Region, and the world. We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is truly good news and that we are called to participate in God’s work of transformation in the lives of everyone we meet.
Christchurch is a parish within the Gulf Atlantic Diocese, a diocese of the Anglican Church in North America.

Christchurch is a community of worship. We use liturgy within our services, which means that we seek to worship God through using a rhythm of ancient prayers, historic creeds, biblical preaching, and Holy Communion. We participate in the liturgy by praying and praising, listening and singing, reflecting and receiving the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion. Our music in worship seeks to use the best songs of the Christian tradition, ranging from ancient hymns to contemporary worship songs.

Sunday mornings
Worship on Sundays begins at 9:30 a.m. Childcare is available for toddlers and infants and Children’s Church for the little ones.
Sunday Worship at Christchurch is a service of Word and Sacrament. Each Sunday, we hear the Word of God preached and then receive Holy Communion together as a community. All baptized believers are invited to join in the sacrament of Holy Communion. We receive communion by coming forward and kneeling at the altar rail. In Anglican churches, recipients are encouraged to receive both the bread and the wine. Children are especially encouraged to participate in this sacrament. Following Holy Communion, we return to our seats for a time of prayer, worship and reflection. Our Healing Prayer teams are also available during this time to pray with anyone who comes forward for personal needs.
Sunday Worship at Christchurch is a service of Word and Sacrament. Each Sunday, we hear the Word of God preached and then receive Holy Communion together as a community. All baptized believers are invited to join in the sacrament of Holy Communion. We receive communion by coming forward and kneeling at the altar rail. In Anglican churches, recipients are encouraged to receive both the bread and the wine. Children are especially encouraged to participate in this sacrament. Following Holy Communion, we return to our seats for a time of prayer, worship and reflection. Our Healing Prayer teams are also available during this time to pray with anyone who comes forward for personal needs.

Christchurch members dress in every attire, from suits and ties to golf shirts and blue jeans. All are welcome in God’s house!
Where are we?
8800 Vaughn Rd
Montgomery, Alabama 36117
Montgomery, Alabama 36117
When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
9:30 am - Eucharist
11:10 am - Sunday School
11:10 am - Sunday School
Wednesday Evenings
6:00 pm