Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life.

 Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-step group for anyone struggling with an addiction or life-challenging issues. All are welcome! These meetings are a safe and loving environment for individuals seeking to conquer their hurts, habits and hang-ups! 

Join us every Friday for supper at 6:00 and the large meeting starts at 6:30. Nursery is available. For more information contact Dolly McLemore at 334-301-3490 or dollenemclemore0@gmail.com.

Christchurch's Celebrate recovery does not meet Good Friday and the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's

Lesson 1: Denial

Here is a quick look into a night at Celebrate Recovery at Christchurch! In this video, Deacon Dolly McLemore is teaching the first lesson, "Denial." Come to CR to see the what the other lessons are!